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Youtube? New3_m11

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PostSubject: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptySun 28 Jul 2013, 4:30 pm

In your opinion, should Youtube "reinforce" it's laws against name calling, racist comments and etc? Or should Yt take actions against trolls, cyberbullies or do something about such (like flaming someone or flamewars or hate groups directed at a certain group, E.G Indians, French, British, Chinese, Blacks). Should Youtube "interfere"?

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Youtube? Pbucket

Decir 'perfecto' es mentir y decir 'mañana' es predecir...

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptySun 28 Jul 2013, 7:24 pm

That's a pretty interesting question. I think it is important to have some regulations, you don't want things to go out of control. At the same time, it is kind of buggy how intrusive the measures can be or how it can bring some abuse having a bully group flag you to get you kicked and ultimately getting away with it because the system doesn't really investigate and simply measured by number of complains. I am not saying that is YouTube case but it has been deviantART and other sites with similar reinforcements.

I am in the understanding you can contact Youtube by reporting this kind of situations. I kind of like it this way. passive approach. I think if YT became active trying to reinforce it there would be trouble...

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Youtube? New3_m11

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptySun 28 Jul 2013, 7:26 pm

Did they work at all?

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Youtube? Pbucket

Decir 'perfecto' es mentir y decir 'mañana' es predecir...

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptySun 28 Jul 2013, 8:01 pm

As far as I know it works depending your influence. one big corporation flagging your stuff is worth more than many simple users squalling over comments. At least that is the idea I get from the vocal users. I only reported someone on counted occasions and the account was still there for a good while.

When you report they make you fill this silly questionnaire that doesn't cover everything and gives you no opportunity to choose "it is something else", of course, you are given a box to provide details but if your detail doesn't match the classification on the nature of the report, why would they take you seriously?

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Youtube? New3_m11

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptySun 28 Jul 2013, 8:04 pm

Of course and obviously, but yeah, how's the account now? Still open or closed?

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Youtube? Pbucket

Decir 'perfecto' es mentir y decir 'mañana' es predecir...

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptySun 28 Jul 2013, 9:21 pm

Open, I guess. At least a few months ago it was still open. Plenty of angry people still commenting on his wall. No videos of his own, just a bare troll account.

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Youtube? New3_m11

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptyMon 29 Jul 2013, 1:13 pm

And some users are saying : Yt's interfering too much and a "taking their freedom of speech" & "their right to dislike someone, or to hate someon's channel" away, just by "deleting or removing their hate comments". I think it's "freedom of speech" gone too far. Do you think Yt's right or the users?

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Youtube? New3_m11

Welcome nice to meet you

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptyMon 29 Jul 2013, 2:46 pm

I think you tube should be more strict as i have noticed people get away with posting racial comments on there they are swearing on there and causing arguments with other people and you tube let them get away with it its disgusting

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Youtube? New3_m11

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptyMon 29 Jul 2013, 2:47 pm

yes, I agree with it too, Robert. As I said on Chat-addicts, I'm all for : a "moderation team" for such abuse of the Youtube and the Webs and also "sanctions against cyberbullies & trolls", generally speaking.

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Youtube? New3_m11

Welcome nice to meet you

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptyMon 29 Jul 2013, 2:55 pm

Maybe not enough people are speaking up and reporting these type of things to you tube but they should.Have you reported anything may i ask Naiwen to you tube as i think some people may be afraid to report things so nothing gets done about it

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Youtube? New3_m11

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptyMon 29 Jul 2013, 2:58 pm

Yes, I have, any group "ganging up on" a person or any "bullying" a certain individual/user, I flagged the comment.

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Youtube? New3_m11

Welcome nice to meet you

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptyMon 29 Jul 2013, 4:58 pm

Thats good thanks for letting me know was this against you this remark made

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Youtube? New3_m11

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptyMon 29 Jul 2013, 7:16 pm

robertson123 wrote:
Thats good thanks for letting me know was this against you this remark made
Not me, but he was saying the most stupid things ever against Women : Women have to or must need a man in their life, which is false btw in the 21st century,eh? A woman can be a woman without needing a man or a guy.

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Youtube? Pbucket

Decir 'perfecto' es mentir y decir 'mañana' es predecir...

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptyTue 30 Jul 2013, 6:05 pm

think YT is doing ok censoring videos but the comments are a troll feast. Not sure how many flags you need before YouTube takes action.

The guy I bothered trying to report... He was filling copyright complaints to random videos. This would cause YT to put them to hold. My videos do have music and videos that may put them at risk but like I said, this guy was just misusing that report tool. Some comments were saying it was their own compositions and stuff. Yet YT took each of his report seriously without investigation. A look to his profile would made things easier.

When I reported him, I had a hard time because none of the options I was forced to choose from as the season of the report was about abusing the reporting tools. I am afraid they ignored my and other members reports against this user because our pants were off with the selected cause in they forms.

Eventually those copyright claims disappeared from my video so at least that's good.

Done venting.

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Youtube? Pbucket

Decir 'perfecto' es mentir y decir 'mañana' es predecir...

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptyTue 30 Jul 2013, 6:07 pm

Rants and reasons...
Will edit from the computer when I can. Sorry about the double post.

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Youtube? New3_m11

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptyTue 30 Jul 2013, 6:14 pm

No worries, Kaynil. Anyways, I hate "hate & threat" speeches on the Youtube or a group of people "ganging up on" a person or "making threats online" to an individual. What about you guys?

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Youtube? Pbucket

Decir 'perfecto' es mentir y decir 'mañana' es predecir...

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptyThu 01 Aug 2013, 4:09 am

Of course I heavily dislike that, it makes my blood boil how some videos have just piercing comments mocking someone's appearance instead of the message or just be plain cruel. I am sad to hear of cases where it has driven the person to decide to take their life away. To think some actually consider it a victory when that happens.

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Youtube? New3_m11

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptyThu 03 Oct 2013, 9:16 pm

I think that Youtube must already be taking some sort of action to erase the number of inappropriate comments that are posted, as there would be far more if left uncensored. Much like a newspaper's letter to the editor, they probably receive a huge volume of weird, illegal material that could never be published; I think that, like it or not, they do have to interfere and do this, or else the site would turn off many. Overall, they are not erasing useful or purposeful content, and I really do not see the harm in their doing this; I suppose, to some level, you do have to trust Youtube to not erase any of the good comments. However, it really is beyond your control what they do.

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Youtube? New3_m11

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptyThu 03 Oct 2013, 9:26 pm

Kaynil wrote:
Of course I heavily dislike that, it makes my blood boil how some videos have just piercing comments mocking someone's appearance instead of the message or just be plain cruel. I am sad to hear of cases where it has driven the person to decide to take their life away. To think some actually consider it a victory when that happens.
Really, wow... I hate "uncivility" of any kind to people & when people go round & attack others' on their looks/race & mocking of their taste in things: like foods, books, & music & etc...  I really think this could make a Youtuber go mad & commit suicide. For example, one Youtuber said: he liked

And I hate how these people think it's funny to make fun of others.

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Youtube? Pbucket

Decir 'perfecto' es mentir y decir 'mañana' es predecir...

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptyFri 04 Oct 2013, 9:02 am

csmith2211 wrote:
I think that Youtube must already be taking some sort of action to erase the number of inappropriate comments that are posted, as there would be far more if left uncensored.  Much like a newspaper's letter to the editor, they probably receive a huge volume of weird, illegal material that could never be published; I think that, like it or not, they do have to interfere and do this, or else the site would turn off many.  Overall, they are not erasing useful or purposeful content, and I really do not see the harm in their doing this; I suppose, to some level, you do have to trust Youtube to not erase any of the good comments.  However, it really is beyond your control what they do.
I agree. Even if what we see can be bad, I am sure there is a lot more that gets taken down before we know. Perhaps even some of the inflammatory comments we've skim through are being deleted as well and it is more the impression they left on us.

Like I said above so long they are being fair and the system is not completely automatized (so a human can revert the errors and false positives can be restored as well as to minimize the effect of targeted-flagging/reporting-attack against people doing nothing wrong.

Ashera wrote:
Kaynil wrote:
Of course I heavily dislike that, it makes my blood boil how some videos have just piercing comments mocking someone's appearance instead of the message or just be plain cruel. I am sad to hear of cases where it has driven the person to decide to take their life away. To think some actually consider it a victory when that happens.
Really, wow... I hate "uncivility" of any kind to people & when people go round & attack others' on their looks/race & mocking of their taste in things: like foods, books, & music & etc...  I really think this could make a Youtuber go mad & commit suicide. For example, one Youtuber said: he liked

And I hate how these people think it's funny to make fun of others.
Yeah. Some people think they are being so clever by coming with raw unrelated insults, though if we comment to defend we are just falling for their game and putting ourselves in the risk to be the next target.

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Youtube? New3_m11

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptyMon 07 Oct 2013, 8:58 pm

Oh yes... when a Brit person insulted a French/Scot, I stood up for the French-Scot, because
I consider them (the French) my people. Now, do you consider the Spanish your people or Australians, Kaynil?

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Youtube? Pbucket

Decir 'perfecto' es mentir y decir 'mañana' es predecir...

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptyTue 08 Oct 2013, 9:22 am

It is kind of difficult not to do anything when you feel identified with a group, eh?
I guess it is good to stand for the insulted one.

There are many silly debates that grow into flamming between Spaniards and Mexicans about what dubbing is better, insulting the differences in pronunciations and then mocking the pasts, economy, and more. Depending who started it I may or not butt in.

Speaking of YT reports? Do you all report things often?
I use the flag as spam a lot but no the report. *acts retard* 

Now about that question...:

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Youtube? New3_m11

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptyTue 08 Oct 2013, 8:11 pm

Well yeah, kinda do... why? Because I'm a righteous sort of person eh?

& Yeag, for example, someone said he was from X country on the site: got called whatever name like C*****, N*****, or

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Youtube? New3_m11

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptyTue 29 Oct 2013, 10:10 am

I go on YouTube at least once a week. I have to get replay of some TV shows. It is because my cable channel do not carry certain kind of the shows.

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Youtube? New3_m11

Youtube? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youtube?   Youtube? EmptyFri 01 Nov 2013, 12:44 pm

You mean, don't air yes... Anyways, I hate Youtube now because of trolling/flamewars going
on there and bullying and etc...

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